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The article introduces a relection of the ethical importance of promoting a critique of masculinities, mainly in Colombia, this is due to the gender transformations that have been present in contemporary life by creating a crisis of masculinity, which can lead to a positive change and that can also cause an increase of gender violence in diferent contexts. In a second stage, the article presents characteristics that create a masculine wound, and inally, it proposes a series of questions and possibilities that can help this wound to heal and be overcome, as well as the harms that it has caused.

Nina Alejandra Cabra Ayala, Dra., Universidad Central

Docente-investigadora de la Universidad Central, Bogotá (Colombia) donde actualmente se desempeña como Decana (e) de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Humanidades y Arte. Doctora en Antropología, Magíster en Filosofía; Especialista en Comunicación-Educación y Comunicadora Social. E-mail:

Cabra Ayala, N. A. (2018). La ferida masculina. Nómadas, (46), 167–181. Recuperado de


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